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Lucky Rentals

RVA009513 Contact: Simon Kidman
5 Aintree Ave Airport Oaks Auckland New Zealand 2022 New Zealand Phone: 0800 808 881 Website:
Photo of Lucky Rentals

Biographical Info

Lucky Rentals provides kiwis and travellers with great rates for campervan, car and motorhome rentals in New Zealand!

Car and campervans

Lucky Rentals’ campervans and motorhomes will be your vehicle of adventure. No more crowded dorm rooms and inebriated Dutchmen ashing on your pillow – this is traveling freedom.

Once you’ve got the keys we’ll send you on your way to experience New Zealand sleeping wherever you want – at the bottom of a mountain, overlooking the ocean, or somewhere off the beaten backpacker trail.

Categories: RVAMembers